The making of an entrepreneurial artist

Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picassso, some of the world’s greatest artists both died frustrated,miserable and poor. In one instance Vincent cut off his own ear and handed it to his wife upon herrequest for gold earrings that she wanted to wear to a wedding reception. Such is a glimpse intothe bitter pain of poverty. This is the reality that faces a great many artists. Poignantly so, when theeconomies of nations take a dip, and art is not deemed a necessity for survival; and to add to this,creative streams swiftly run dry with much frustration.
My journey as an artist, and the world of creativity started at the age of six. However, a chanceencounter with an American Catholic nun while in High school lifted my skills in artistry to new heights.
Since then, I have become a creative entrepreneur and I have held a desire to stand up above the herd. Ihope to live and not to constantly die of hunger, as the most respected not to mention the greatestartists in history have done.
My entrepreneurial skills were passed down to me by my late father who despite being an architect,ventured into several businesses ranging from cereal stores to restaurants.
During my first year of high school, one event is forever notched in the belt of my history. I hadaccompanied my father to a construction site, laden with two jerricans filled with porridge. Upon arrival,he asked me to sell the porridge and left for a while. Clueless as to where to start, an hour later hereturned to find zero sales made. A few minutes after his arrival, all the porridge had been sold, andbetter yet, requests for more were being made. Boldness as an entrepreneurial attribute was taught tome on this day. A lesson I have carried with me since.
To answer the question as to how I am standing above the herd:
I desire to impact the community around me, and I do his by working with St. Vincent De Paulcommunity – a rescue center for abused and abandoned children. I use my art as a form of therapy andhealing for the children. In addition, I have donated various art works for auction to a number of charityevents as funds raisers.
Being an accomplished artist who specializes in contemporary art, I double up with photography as ahobby, but also as a complementary to my artistic skill. I also operate a picture framing workshop, an artstudio and an art supply store by the name Samkan Arts and Frames Limited.

I have been a practicing artist for nearly two decades, exhibited in various countries around the world, with several awards under my belt, and I am a nominee to the prestigious African Art Award the only artist to be nominated in East Africa since its inception. Art, being my passion gives me immense freedom. This is what makes me enjoy it the most.
Ultimately, my vision is to open a successful art gallery and art school. I desire to share my knowledge skill n experience to inspire upcoming budding artists. I do not want to be remembered like Vincent Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso, poor miserable and frustrated. But as being able and a testimony that art is wealth in every sense.
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